Dissecting the Good, the Bad, & the Ugly of Netlfix’s ‘Resident Evil’ Series [Safe Room Podcast]

Before diving into this week’s episode of Safe Room, check out last week’s discussion on Puppet Combo’s The Glass Staircase!

Few horror franchises are as beloved as Resident Evil. Due to that stature, attempts at adapting it to other mediums have increased scrutiny and skepticism surrounding them. Especially when the ever-churning content mill that is Netflix gets involved.

To be fair, there have been numerous Resident Evil adaptations over the years, ranging from faithful to fundamentally foreign to the traditional Resi story or tone. 

And no matter their quality, it’s undeniable that Resident Evil hasn’t found a consistent audience with even its most outlandish film adaptations. However, while the bombastic direction the films go generally unfolds within the parameters of a less than two-hour movie, how does it fare in an eight-episode series?

For this week’s episode, Neil and I unpack that question and highlight the strengths and weaknesses of Netflix’s Resident Evil series and whether it deserves a second season. – Jay Krieger

Safe Room is a weekly horror video game discussion podcast with new episodes every Monday on

iTunes/Apple, Sticher, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Linktree for additional streaming services. 


Feel free to follow the show and hosts on Twitter:

Safe Room | Neil | Jay

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