This man is not only deplorable, he is down right dangerous. Hate and ignorance, wrapped up in a bad haircut with no tract. You , Mr. Trump would sue ANYONE who disagrees with you, start wars with foreign nations, and most certainly deny the LGBT community their equality. You’re masogenistic and misinformed. You act like a child. No way in HELL you deserve the Presidency. #asshat #insanity#trump#crazy#racist#badhaircentury#blash#ick


This man is not only deplorable, he is down right dangerous. Hate and ignorance, wrapped up in a bad haircut with no tract. You , Mr. Trump would sue ANYONE who disagrees with you, start wars with foreign nations, and most certainly deny the LGBT community their equality. You’re masogenistic and misinformed. You act like a child. No way in HELL you deserve the Presidency. #trump#crazy#racist#badhaircentury#blash#ick


