Boooo to dressing up! I look HIDEOUS Mommy, daddy, husby, squad. #family #alabama #outdoors #wedding #dressesup #stillslummin #tats #tattoos #piercings #gauges #girlswithpiercings #girlswithtattoos #blonde #platinum #girlswithshorthair #makeup #mua #makeupjunkie #makeupaddict #katvondbeauty #lipstick #ew #ick #hotweather

@s.i.w.e.r Boooo to dressing up! I look HIDEOUS Mommy, daddy, husby, squad. 9 0 #tattoos,#makeup,#family,#girlswithtattoos,#girlswithshorthair,#makeupaddict,#piercings,#stillslummin,#ew,#wedding,#girlswithpiercings,#alabama,#lipstick,#platinum,#katvondbeauty,#dressesup,#gauges,#makeupjunkie,#mua,#outdoors,#blonde,#ick,#hotweather,#tats, Websta

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Yup. That’s a chicken bone. At least I hope it is because it was in my grilled chicken burrito from #DelTaco. That didn’t hurt my teeth or anything. Just one more reason to keep cooking at home. Guess I’ll go another several years without wasting via drive-thru. #foundinmyfood #bone #grilledchickenburrito #ick

@jodisox Yup. That’s a chicken bone. At least I hope it is because it was in my grilled chicken burrito from. That didn’t hurt my teeth or anything. Just one more reason to keep cooking at home. Guess I’ll go another several years without wasting via drive-thru. 0 0 #ick,#foundinmyfood,#grilledchickenburrito,#bone,#deltaco, Del Taco Websta

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@prince_da_hofer #Im#Juni#WinterJacke#Läuft#Fuck#Wetter#Leb#im#Falschen#Land#Ralph#Lauren#marlborotabak#Ick#komm#wie#Batman#um#die#Schlampen#zu#beschützen#PA#Sports 10 1 #juni,#winterjacke,#wie,#leb,#batman,#fuck,#falschen,#land,#im,#komm,#zu,#lauren,#beschützen,#ick,#wetter,#schlampen,#ralph,#sports,#um,#pa,#die,#läuft,#marlborotabak, Websta

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Argh! I hate spiders… And this one has gigantic legs. D: I believe this is a Daddy Long-legs Spider (Pholcus phalangioides)… Sometimes also called a Long-bodied Cellar Spider… [Though if I’m wrong please say] ;) Either way… Not the nicest thing to come across in the house! x) #Spider #Spiders #spiderman #video #videooftheday #insect #insects #Nasty #Scared #ick #house #warm #sunny #rain #eight #legs #thin #walking #walls #run #fright #arachnid #arachnaphobia #climb #climbing #spidervideo #Nature #Wildlife #British #BritishWildlife

@the_lizmarshall Argh! I hate spiders… And this one has gigantic legs. D: I believe this is a Daddy Long-legs Spider (Pholcus phalangioides)… Sometimes also called a Long-bodied Cellar Spider… [Though if I’m wrong please say] 😉 Either way… Not the nicest thing to come across in the house! x) 11 1 #climb,#walking,#run,#fright,#nature,#insects,#house,#scared,#sunny,#spider,#rain,#walls,#warm,#video,#spiders,#britishwildlife,#climbing,#videooftheday,#nasty,#ick,#wildlife,#arachnaphobia,#spidervideo,#insect,#british,#spiderman,#thin,#eight,#arachnid,#legs, Websta

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Argh! I hate spiders… And this one has gigantic legs. D: I believe this is a Daddy Long-legs Spider (Pholcus phalangioides)… Sometimes also called a Long-bodied Cellar Spider… [Though if I’m wrong please say] ;) Either way… Not the nicest thing to come across in the house! x) #Spider #Spiders #spiderman #video #videooftheday #insect #insects #Nasty #Scared #ick #house #warm #sunny #rain #eight #legs #thin #walking #walls #run #fright #arachnid #arachnaphobia #climb #climbing #spidervideo

@the_lizmarshall Argh! I hate spiders… And this one has gigantic legs. D: I believe this is a Daddy Long-legs Spider (Pholcus phalangioides)… Sometimes also called a Long-bodied Cellar Spider… [Though if I’m wrong please say] 😉 Either way… Not the nicest thing to come across in the house! x) 6 1 #climb,#walking,#run,#fright,#insects,#house,#scared,#sunny,#spider,#rain,#insect,#warm,#video,#spiders,#climbing,#videooftheday,#nasty,#ick,#arachnaphobia,#spidervideo,#walls,#spiderman,#thin,#eight,#arachnid,#legs, Websta

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