I’m not sure what else to do for Gyarados :/ he hasn’t eaten for 3 days and the fin rot seems to be getting worse. He has no energy at all. I’ve been doing 100% water changes and have been using aquarium salt and BettaFix. #Betta #BettaFish #BettaHelp #fish #fishhelp #finrot #ich #ick #fuckpetco #PetcoSucks #fishtank #bettasofinstagram #fishofinstagram #petsofinstagram

@thatprettyarcanine I’m not sure what else to do for Gyarados :/ he hasn’t eaten for 3 days and the fin rot seems to be getting worse. He has no energy at all. I’ve been doing 100% water changes and have been using aquarium salt and BettaFix. 43 9 #bettahelp,#ick,#ich,#fuckpetco,#petsofinstagram,#fish,#petcosucks,#betta,#fishofinstagram,#finrot,#fishhelp,#bettasofinstagram,#fishtank,#bettafish, Websta

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