Well this was my dinner-until I binged on 15 additional Brussel sprouts and had like another cup of chili and bleghhhh. I hate binges. I was doing so good today. Now I feel like I’m going to explode. #bingeeatingdisorder #bingeeatingdisorderrecovery #bed #ed #edfam #eatingdisorder #eatingdisorderrecovery #recovery #heakthybodyimage #health #isuckatlife #groan #binge #ick #ifeelsoyuck

@keepmovingforwardgirlkeepitup Well this was my dinner-until I binged on 15 additional Brussel sprouts and had like another cup of chili and bleghhhh. I hate binges. I was doing so good today. Now I feel like I’m going to explode. 1 0 #ick,#edfam,#recovery,#groan,#ed,#binge,#bed,#bingeeatingdisorderrecovery,#health,#bingeeatingdisorder,#eatingdisorderrecovery,#eatingdisorder,#heakthybodyimage,#ifeelsoyuck,#isuckatlife, Websta

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