#outlate #workn #getnit #putitdown #brickwalls #fencedin #aims #torsoe #leno #trip #tcfk #sdvk #ick #tsk #thechosenfew #sandiegovandals #icecoldcrew #tooscandalous #sandiegograffiti #burners #graffiti #art #vandals #bubbles #throwups #tagsnthrows

@mr_t_kilm #outlate 12 0 #thechosenfew,#art,#tagsnthrows,#torsoe,#sdvk,#burners,#leno,#graffiti,#throwups,#icecoldcrew,#bubbles,#trip,#getnit,#ick,#sandiegograffiti,#brickwalls,#tsk,#workn,#tooscandalous,#fencedin,#aims,#outlate,#putitdown,#vandals,#sandiegovandals,#tcfk, Websta

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Yup, finally starting the redrawing I mentioned a while ago. ^~^ #oldart #startingout #firstdrawings #olddrawing #horrible #godawful #shudders #gonnaredraw #ick #omg #ohmygod #whatisthis #creepy #weird #sharpie #pen #cardboard #eep #meepsofsadness #scary #redraw #redrawing #anime #manga #oldtonew #pinkhair #wip #workinprogress #fairlyhappysofar #meep

@izzy_whitefang135 Yup, finally starting the redrawing I mentioned a while ago. ^~^ 1 0 #ohmygod,#whatisthis,#omg,#oldtonew,#eep,#fairlyhappysofar,#godawful,#sharpie,#wip,#weird,#cardboard,#workinprogress,#shudders,#ick,#scary,#redrawing,#startingout,#gonnaredraw,#olddrawing,#creepy,#meep,#pinkhair,#pen,#anime,#horrible,#oldart,#meepsofsadness,#redraw,#manga,#firstdrawings, Websta

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My new shirt arrived! Still waiting on the hoodie though. I felt like I need new stuff because the few fan shirts I have are hardly wearable outside. It’s time to celebrate and once again be loud and proud about The X-Files! I owe this show my life, so I yeah, I represent. Over 20 years & counting. #Berlin #phileforever #XFiles #XF #philes #XFiles2015 #XFilesRevival #XFilesReunion #selfie #selfportrait #me #icke #ick #ich #redhead #IWantToBelieve #ufo #shirt #happy #DavidDuchovny #GillianAnderson #Mulder #Scully

@feuerkindjana My new shirt arrived! Still waiting on the hoodie though. I felt like I need new stuff because the few fan shirts I have are hardly wearable outside. It’s time to celebrate and once again be loud and proud about The X-Files! I owe this show my life, so I yeah, I represent. Over […]

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