’10/31: Part II’: The Halloween Horror Anthology Continues With 5 New Tales of Terror on VOD [Trailer]

The low-budget, Halloween-themed horror anthology 10/31 will soon unleash a sequel with 10/31: Part II, offering up five brand new tales of All Hallows’ Eve terror.

Premiering on Demand and Digital August 13 from Terror Films, the film stars Jennifer Nangle, Anastasia Elfman, David E. McMahon, Tim Robinson, Rhema Srihartiti and London Grace.

Spooky tales include a Halloween celebration turned deadly in “A Samhain Liturgy”; something unholy in the basement desires a nun in “Sister Mary” (Tory Van Buskirk of ‘Alone’); otherworldly strangers need fresh meat in “Dead Lift” (Stephen Wolfe of ‘Doll Factory’); explore the difference between hatchets and tomahawks at the best Halloween party ever in “Apache Hatchet Massacre II” (Max Groah of ‘Bong of the Living Dead’); and a serial killer has a big problem in “Overkill” (Drew Marvick of ‘Pool Party Massacre’).

The sequel also includes faux trailers from other indie filmmakers -“Treaters” (Zane Hershberger of ‘Force to Fear’), “Truck Squatch” (John Hale of ‘The Conduit’), “The Candy Taker” (Robert Lanphere of ‘Cryptids’) and “The October Kids” (Brett DeJager of ‘BoneJangles’).

“As a huge fan of horror growing up, especially anthologies like Creepshow and Tales From the Crypt, I was thrilled to be able to work with a group of such talented writers, directors and actors to make our own anthology film come to life”, says producer Rocky Gray.