Treatment begins. The formula I have will not harm my biological filter but will stain everything a pretty blue – coal must be removed prior to adding the liquid or it’d be worthless to add it. I’m going to treat for a week (bottle is a few days less) but I really don’t want to lose any of my fish. Also, careful using ick treatment on nonscaled fish – can be harmful (what I read). I’ve dealt with Ick once before and I’m hoping this’ll clear up. You bet that pet shop is getting a call from me but more so to warn them of the parasite.


Treatment begins. The formula I have will not harm my biological filter but will stain everything a pretty blue – coal must be removed prior to adding the liquid or it’d be worthless to add it. I’m going to treat for a week (bottle is a few days less) but I really don’t want to lose any of my fish. Also, careful using ick treatment on nonscaled fish – can be harmful (what I read). I’ve dealt with Ick once before and I’m hoping this’ll clear up. You bet that pet shop is getting a call from me but more so to warn them of the parasite.


