The Purge review! Follow Ethan Hawke and Lena Headey as they prepare for the one night of the year where all crime is legal. Why? Because it is good for the economy…. Because firebombing, burglary, and mass theft are all you need for a thriving business. Ethan and Lena are set though, (I am using the actor’s names because I can’t remember their character names) as Ethan is the number one seller of awesome security systems. But as the night commences, the security system turns out to be a big pile of shit. It is a shame that an interesting premise was left in the hands of people with no real clue how to make interesting dialogue, or good fight scenes. It is a massive disappointment except for the main villian, pictured. I do hope to see him in a better role with a dedicated director. This movie was a pile of trash with idiot teenagers who only cause problems, even stupider parents with no sense of vantage points or keeping your back against the wall when surrounded by FUCKING enemies, and the weakest plot execution I have seen in a very long time. The biggest problem is that it doesn’t make common sense. For example, why are the neighbours so angry at Ethan and his family for selling them security systems? They live on the same wealthy street, and are ten times safer with his shit, yet all they want to do is be pissed about it. Really? No one forced you to buy it. It was even stated that there are plenty of other security firms out there to choose from. Bleh. What a pile of steaming puke. Why, Lena Headey…WHY??? #thrustandbustreview #thepurge #bleh #bad #movie #awful #lame #stupid #nonsense #meh #lol #no #stop #dont #film #ick #review #agh #painful


The Purge review! Follow Ethan Hawke and Lena Headey as they prepare for the one night of the year where all crime is legal. Why? Because it is good for the economy…. Because firebombing, burglary, and mass theft are all you need for a thriving business. Ethan and Lena are set though, (I am using the actor’s names because I can’t remember their character names) as Ethan is the number one seller of awesome security systems. But as the night commences, the security system turns out to be a big pile of shit. It is a shame that an interesting premise was left in the hands of people with no real clue how to make interesting dialogue, or good fight scenes. It is a massive disappointment except for the main villian, pictured. I do hope to see him in a better role with a dedicated director. This movie was a pile of trash with idiot teenagers who only cause problems, even stupider parents with no sense of vantage points or keeping your back against the wall when surrounded by FUCKING enemies, and the weakest plot execution I have seen in a very long time. The biggest problem is that it doesn’t make common sense. For example, why are the neighbours so angry at Ethan and his family for selling them security systems? They live on the same wealthy street, and are ten times safer with his shit, yet all they want to do is be pissed about it. Really? No one forced you to buy it. It was even stated that there are plenty of other security firms out there to choose from. Bleh. What a pile of steaming puke. Why, Lena Headey…WHY???


