‘Silent Hill: The Short Message’ Rated in Korea

And here we go. Like the majority of fans, you’re probably sick of all of the Silent Hill reboot/remake rumours by now. But at the same time, you’re holding out hope that this might be “the one”. And in this case, given that the Game Rating and Administration Committee of Korea in the past has been a genuine source of games prior to their official reveal, this might be “the one”.

Per Gematsu, Korea’s game ratings board has rated a title called Silent Hill: The Short Message. No platforms have been specified for the game, which sounds like it could be the name for the British-centric Silent Hill title mentioned a few weeks back that was referred to as Silent Hill: Sakura. That would be the one with all of the Post-it notes, by the way.

The publisher for Silent Hill: The Short Message is listed as UNIANA, a Korean company that handles Konami titles in the country.

As is often the case with news like this, Konami has not responded (so far). It does beg the question whether we’ll be seeing some Silent Hill-related news next month, or even at The Game Awards this December. It seems far more appropriate to drop some Silent Hill goodness for October, but given Konami’s track record, you’ll be excused if you aren’t holding your breath.



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