Okay I have a very eventful day first I was all ready at 7:05 never happens… Today I have a math test that I know I’m gonna take 3 hours doing I’m guessing idk I like to go slow. I’m also getting my tongue pierced after school omg I hope I can find tmnt tongue piercings that be sick dudes!!! Also I’m talking to my ex about his ex girlfriend and stuff it’s really confusing so he wants to explain what happened and then we’re gonna talk about us because we still have feelings for each other so that’s cool. Anyways hope everyone has a shelltastic day!!!! #tmnt #Mikey #ice #ick #cards #newepisode #feels #shellhead #tongue #piercing #fuckschool #boyfriendUmIdk #mathisdumb


Okay I have a very eventful day first I was all ready at 7:05 never happens… Today I have a math test that I know I’m gonna take 3 hours doing I’m guessing idk I like to go slow. I’m also getting my tongue pierced after school omg I hope I can find tmnt tongue piercings that be sick dudes!!! Also I’m talking to my ex about his ex girlfriend and stuff it’s really confusing so he wants to explain what happened and then we’re gonna talk about us because we still have feelings for each other so that’s cool. Anyways hope everyone has a shelltastic day!!!!


