Motive Studios Consulted Former Visceral Games Dev For ‘Dead Space’ Remake

To say that we’re stoked about EA bringing Dead Space back from oblivion is an understatement. Understandably mixed, however, are fans of Visceral Games, the original developer of Dead Space. EA had closed the studio four years ago, and in hindsight it begs the question now of why.

Nevertheless, there’s some reassurance that Motive is heading in the right direction. The developer it turns out ended up enlisting the help of former UX Director at Visceral Dino Ignacio to guide the team on the remake.

Ignacio took to Twitter to not only reveal his involvement in the remake, but also to praise Motive Studios on their efforts, saying that the developer has been “amazingly respectful of the original”. Ignacio went on to say that Motive “has been very respectful of the franchise tropes while finding ways to innovate and surprise.”

Again, EA didn’t reveal much more than the teaser yesterday, so fingers crossed that we’ll be getting more good news in the months ahead. The Dead Space remake is currently in development for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, and PC.