Day started with a yearly exam (Ya, know ladies) and then I treated myself to a massage. Bahaha! On the bright side those gowns sure are getting trendier and offer more coverage. I won’t even ask who hates going to those things because I’m sure there is NO one that looks forward to it but it’s sooo necessary! I try to go to my happy place while in there. Hahah! How about you?!? :-) #yearlyexam #getchecked #friendlyreminder #annual #exam #hatethat #girlstuff #menhaveiteasy #ick


Day started with a yearly exam (Ya, know ladies) and then I treated myself to a massage. Bahaha! On the bright side those gowns sure are getting trendier and offer more coverage. I won’t even ask who hates going to those things because I’m sure there is NO one that looks forward to it but it’s sooo necessary! I try to go to my happy place while in there. Hahah! How about you?!? 🙂


