Dat #colors3d quality ick Can I just rant for a moment about how difficult it is to be demisexual. I hate how is sounds so special snowflake, but in all honesty, I dont think I’m anything but a hopeless demi. I considered myself bi for a bit (and was bullied lel) but its just awkward being demi bc when you attach to someone’s personality and you know you shouldnt bc they’re just a friend and ughhhhh Angst #cat #hollyleaf #warriors #green #black #lame #ick


Dat quality ick

Can I just rant for a moment about how difficult it is to be demisexual. I hate how is sounds so special snowflake, but in all honesty, I dont think I’m anything but a hopeless demi. I considered myself bi for a bit (and was bullied lel) but its just awkward being demi bc when you attach to someone’s personality and you know you shouldnt bc they’re just a friend and ughhhhh



