CHIEF was just bred to MAMAS who is a STALEFISH granddaughter on her dads side and a JEMS KENNELS BOOGIE MAN granddaughter on her moms side. I’m excited to see what they will produce great dogs are found throughout both CHIEF’S and MAMAS pedigree. Is all goes good pups should be due Mid October. #chiefpuppies#pitbull#bully#puppies#comingsoon#RBG#RazorEdge#Gotti#ICK#Savage#Gaff#TheBay#BayArea#Richmond#SanPablo#SanJose#california#californialivin#goldblooded#goldenstate#49ers


CHIEF was just bred to MAMAS who is a STALEFISH granddaughter on her dads side and a JEMS KENNELS BOOGIE MAN granddaughter on her moms side. I’m excited to see what they will produce great dogs are found throughout both CHIEF’S and MAMAS pedigree. Is all goes good pups should be due Mid October. #pitbull#bully#puppies#comingsoon#RBG#RazorEdge#Gotti#ICK#Savage#Gaff#TheBay#BayArea#Richmond#SanPablo#SanJose#california#californialivin#goldblooded#goldenstate#49ers


