Check Out This Artist’s Remake of ‘Doom 3’ in Unreal Engine 5 [Video]

While it’s generally accepted that id Software made the right call when it came to scrapping DOOM 4, there are also those who still malign Doom 3 today. Admittedly, the game took a decidedly Survival Horror turn that didn’t quite sit well with those purists who longed for the return of the frenetic action of the first games. And those scripted moments involving demons spawning in to attack stick out like a sore thumb. But it was still a great game, and it still looks good today. But what if id were to remake Doom 3 using a modern engine?

Artist François Montagud has your answer.

Montagud recently shared several screenshots and a video of his remake of Doom 3 in Unreal Engine 5 (which might seem blasphemous for those who love the id Tech engine). Montagud says that he did all of the models, textures, animations, and lighting himself, while lifting the sounds and music from the original game.

Unfortunately, for those hoping that this project would see a full release, you’re going to be disappointed. Montagud doesn’t plan on releasing his Doom 3 remake to the public. However, it does go to show how even almost 20 years later the staying power of Doom 3‘s atmosphere. And Pinkie demons.

Thanks to DSOGaming for the heads up!


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