Ingredients (from Tumblr) for a cute Donnie : *Goggles *mask-scarf *dot eyes *extra from me : make him act crazy (like in ‘The Creeping Doom’) Just a quick crazy doodle and (really) random thoughts of Donnie. Yeah, so far, he’s the most adorkable geek in the world, even for a mutant turtle.. I kinda put Tony Stark AKA Iron Man there, hope you wont mind 😂 And maybe a Titanic reference.. and a fan. And.. Mikey.. with ICK.. Anyone get the ‘Flowers for Donnie’ sign? *hint hint* I’m done. 😂😂 #teenagemutantninjaturtles2012 #teenagemutantninjaturtles #tmnt #tmntcute #adorable #adorkable #cute #adorkabledonnie #donnie #donatello #randomdoodle #doodle #titanicreference #ick #mikey #plane #ironman #tonystark

@nuttythenutjob.draws.fandoms Ingredients (from Tumblr) for a cute Donnie : *Goggles *mask-scarf *dot eyes *extra from me : make him act crazy (like in ‘The Creeping Doom’) Just a quick crazy doodle and (really) random thoughts of Donnie. Yeah, so far, he’s the most adorkable geek in the world, even for a mutant turtle.. I kinda […]

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