Happy birthday to mee haha Some more shots of the zombie face from last week, new stuff real soon. #makeup #missceemakeup #wound #gore #infected #latex #liquidlatex #bennye #ick #spfx #zombie #walkingdead #thewalkingdead #zombies #blood #kryolan

@missceemakeup Happy birthday to mee haha Some more shots of the zombie face from last week, new stuff real soon. 12 1 #walkingdead,#missceemakeup,#makeup,#liquidlatex,#zombie,#gore,#bennye,#thewalkingdead,#ick,#latex,#spfx,#wound,#infected,#zombies,#kryolan,#blood, Websta

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When the words all run together and your mind is just a running sentence? Yeah… That sucks…. Here’s how I feel… I feel like blah, I’m sick, I’m icky, my body still is hurting from the expo… I don’t want to smile. I want to go curl up in my bed… In fact? That’s where I’m taking my depressingly deep self right now. Night world… IDEK what my damage is.. I’m sorry… Maybe be nice to me and leave some love in the comments so I can wake up to it? <3 </3 <x3 #Blah #Ick #FeelLikeShit #Moody #Gag #Emo #Grunge #Depressing #CuddleMeInMisery #ImBipolar #NeedsAHugAndCuddle #Love #GimmeLove #IllTake #WhatchaGot #KissMeYouAnimal #BurningInformation #BlewAnArtery #NeedPlasticSurgery #Nah #ForReal #PleaseComment #LikeForLike #Comment #IllRepayEventually

@kickassshortgirl When the words all run together and your mind is just a running sentence? Yeah… That sucks…. Here’s how I feel… I feel like blah, I’m sick, I’m icky, my body still is hurting from the expo… I don’t want to smile. I want to go curl up in my bed… In fact? That’s […]

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