Who in the right mind set would get a early 2000s Mercury Sable with a vinyl top? I don’t care that it’s $800 and runs great! This is a styling nightmare! (( This is based off the Ford Taurus)) #ick #mercury #Sable #softop #daft #ugly #rebadged #ford #givemeabreak

@chas_master Who in the right mind set would get a early 2000s Mercury Sable with a vinyl top? I don’t care that it’s $800 and runs great! This is a styling nightmare! (( This is based off the Ford Taurus)) 2  1 #ick,#mercury,#softop,#ford,#rebadged,#ugly,#daft,#sable,#givemeabreak, »Websta

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Can someone plz help. Ned help treating my green terror. I think he might have ich/ick. I just increased the water temp to 86℉ and also increased the water flow on my canister filter. Is there anything else I can do? #ciclidos #cichild #cichlidsworldwide #cichlids #ich #ick @jonacichlid

@i_for_an_i Can someone plz help. Ned help treating my green terror. I think he might have ich/ick. I just increased the water temp to 86℉ and also increased the water flow on my canister filter. Is there anything else I can do? 2  4 #ick,#cichlids,#ich,#cichlidsworldwide,#ciclidos,#cichild, »Websta

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