Watching law abiding citizen trying to get rid of a sinus infection. I’m glad I love history cause that’s the only thing on daytime tv. After Law Abiding Citizen Public Enemies is on! Good movie day #Sherlock #cat #window #sinus #ick #lawabidingcitizen #gerardbutler #publicenemies #johnnydepp #history #littlebohemia #wi #upnorth

@spnequestrian15 Watching law abiding citizen trying to get rid of a sinus infection. I’m glad I love history cause that’s the only thing on daytime tv. After Law Abiding Citizen Public Enemies is on! Good movie day 4 0 #ick,#gerardbutler,#johnnydepp,#history,#wi,#cat,#publicenemies,#window,#upnorth,#sherlock,#littlebohemia,#sinus,#lawabidingcitizen, Websta

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