Scripted Podcast in the ‘Dead Space’ Games Universe Premieres on the Bloody FM Network

Dead Space: Deep Cover is an all-new story set in the perilous universe of the award-winning Dead Space games, a survival horror franchise known for its intense gameplay and atmospheric storytelling. Last year’s remake garnered critical acclaim for its immersive gameplay mechanics, innovative features like strategic dismemberment, and dark, suspenseful narrative.

In Dead Space: Deep Cover, journalist Emmeline Ayuba searches for her sister, who reportedly joined a local Unitologist church. As she delves into the mysterious world of this church, she uncovers internal conflicts, strange customs and the personal sacrifices she must make to reunite with her sister.

“Something I’ve particularly relished with licensed fiction is mining out a little corner of the background to explore,” said the podcast’s writer, Ben Counter, known for over a dozen novels, his own original fiction podcast, Out of Place, and his work in the Warhammer 40,000 franchise and Bloody FM podcasts like SCP Archives and Mayfair Watchers Society. “In the case of Dead Space: Deep Cover, it’s the Church of Unitology, which was my favorite aspect of the games’ background and my first choice for a focus of the podcast. I got to explore the Church and break some new ground. Similarly, using a new setting of Ganymede gave me somewhere to gleefully trash without clashing with the established timeline of the franchise.”

“Whether you love the game franchise or have never dived into it, the podcast follows a unique storyline that will immerse, grip and disorient listeners until they are unsure whether or not the Big Bad is really that bad,” said co-showrunner Rhys Tirado, known for their work on several other Bloody FM podcasts, and as the creator of horror audio drama Overbrook. They’re showrunning Dead Space: Deep Cover with Veronica California, co-creator of the Bloody FM fan favorite audio drama podcast The Hotel.

Subscribe to Dead Space: Deep Cover on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get podcasts to listen to the premiere now!

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