Time to Play Catch Up: Five 2022 Horror Movies You Can Stream This Week

It’s been a tremendous year for horror. 2022 has delivered no shortage of sleeper hits, an onslaught of franchise gems, new original horror movies, and beyond. There’s been so much excellent genre fare that it’s easy to have missed a few of this year’s best. This week’s streaming picks aim to help you catch up […]

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Five Underseen ‘80s Slasher Movies to Stream This Week

Of the many horror subgenres, the slasher is one of the most popular and well-loved. Thanks to the golden era of slashers from 1978-1984, there are hundreds of slasher films to satiate your bloodlust. So many that dozens flew under the radar for many, especially in the wake of the VHS boom. This week’s streaming […]

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Five Gateway Halloween Horror Movies to Stream This Week

Because Halloween is the time of year when horror appeals to all ages and backgrounds, this week’s streaming picks are dedicated to gateway Halloween horror movies. These movies capture the Halloween spirit and target the budding monster kid. More importantly, they make a great introduction to the genre thanks to the light scares and genre […]

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5 Found Footage Halloween Horror Movies to Stream This Week

When done well, found footage horror can take you on an immersive journey through terror. Memorable films can use their limitations and scope to create an unsettling atmosphere and potent scares, but avoiding the subgenre’s pitfalls, like explaining the found footage itself, can be tricky. Never mind that the digital age has complicated the definition […]

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Five 1980s Halloween Horror Movies to Stream This Week

Happy Halloween month! It’s time to theme the horror watchlists accordingly. We’re jumping back to the ‘80s for some quintessential Halloween horror for the first week of October. This week’s streaming picks are dedicated to 1980s horror movies set on or around Halloween, excluding the Halloween franchise. Here’s where you can stream these five 1980s […]

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Six Cinema-Set Horror Movies to Stream This Week

Movie theaters bring entertainment and escapism. The smell of popcorn wafting through the air, the previews of coming attractions, and the communal reactions to seeing a movie on the big screen often bring a viewing experience that can’t be replicated elsewhere. It’s also a safe way to experience horror, as the terror is harmlessly confined […]

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Five Animal Attack Horror Movies to Stream This Week

Idris Elba is poised to fight for survival against a ravenous lion when Beast roars into theaters this weekend. And Steven Spielberg’s shark classic, Jaws, swims back into theaters next month with a first-ever IMAX and Real 3D re-release. Both films send the clear message that this summer belongs to pissed-off animals on the attack. This week’s streaming […]

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Five Killer Clown Horror Movies to Stream This Week

Horror exploits or instills all types of fears, including coulrophobia. For many, it was Pennywise that induced the extreme fear of clowns. The long-awaited feature documentary Pennywise: The Story of IT is now available on VOD and streaming exclusively through the Bloody Disgusting-powered SCREAMBOX, celebrating the 1990 miniseries and its clown horrors. If you’ve already caught up in […]

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5 Horror Remakes You Can (And Should) Stream This Week

Horror remakes often get a bad rap. For fans, nothing draws ire as fast as a remake announcement of a highly regarded original. But while there have been plenty of maligned horror remakes over the years, there’s also been a significant number of fantastic movies that reworked genre favorites. Some of which even managed to […]

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5 Horror Movies Featuring Aliens to Stream This Week Ahead of Jordan Peele’s ‘Nope’!

Jordan Peele’s latest, NOPE, is out in theaters this Friday, meaning we have only days to ponder extraterrestrial theories and the title’s meaning. The trailers have done an excellent job keeping plot details under wraps, but they heavily embrace UFO and alien imagery. So, this week’s streaming picks are dedicated to alien features of all […]

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Practical Effects for the Win: Five Creature Features to Stream This Week!

It’s Monday. Because sometimes nothing lifts your spirits quite like a good creature design or a monster on a rampage, this week’s streaming picks are dedicated to the creature feature. Whether hailing from space, the darkest depths of the sea, or beyond, these five horror movies bring the monster mayhem we all love so much. […]

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5 Horror Movies to Stream This Week That Are Over 2 Hours Long!

Sometimes you’re in the mood for a brisk 90-minute horror movie, and sometimes you want to get lost in an epic-sized horror film that clocks in well over two hours long. With a long holiday weekend ahead for many, now feels like the perfect time to check out that lengthy horror movie you’ve been holding […]

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Five Sci-Fi Horror Movies to Stream This Week

Science fiction’s broad umbrella covers everything from the future to outer space to the furthest crevices of planet Earth. And everything in between. The unexplored terrain and concepts within sci-fi provide fertile ground for horror; what’s scarier than the unknown? The imagination can run wild with terror. It’s what makes the overlapping genres pair so […]

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Six Horror Movies to Stream This Week Ahead of “Stranger Things 4”

Every season of “Stranger Things” brings new threats, and “Stranger Things 4” has teased the greatest yet. More intriguingly, it’s promising a darker season that further embraces the horror. The ’80s set series has worn its influences on its sleeves since the beginning, including horror, which makes that promise of a more horror-entrenched season even more exciting. […]

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Five Rock ‘n Roll Horror Movies to Stream This Week!

The Gate just turned 35. The gateway horror movie – now available to stream on Prime Video, Roku, Tubi, and Vudu- saw a pair of preteens unwittingly unleash demons from a hole in the backyard. A heavy metal album provides exposition and tips the boys off to what’s happening. It’s one of many horror movies […]

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