I soooo dislike meal prepping! But its a necessary evil #mealprep #riceandveggies that moment you realize all your wild rice is gone and you gotta use white #ick #groundturkey #salsaroja #lunch #stayingfit I stay being a #workinprogress #fuckhyperthyroidism I have to work twice as hard becuz of it. #mystruggle #cleaneats

@bididi_bombom I soooo dislike meal prepping! But its a necessary evil that moment you realize all your wild rice is gone and you gotta use white I stay being a I have to work twice as hard becuz of it. 3 0 #ick,#cleaneats,#stayingfit,#mystruggle,#lunch,#fuckhyperthyroidism,#groundturkey,#mealprep,#workinprogress,#riceandveggies,#salsaroja, Websta

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