So I might have had my first b/p session…. Don’t really know how to feel right now… But, I will say my stomach is less stressed…? I washed off and brushed the hell out of my teeth too… I feel dirty but better, I don’t know… Confusing. #bed #binge #bingeeatingdisorder #bingeeating #binger #ana #mia #ed #ednos #bp #bping #confused #weird #ick #stop

@allthethingsyourlungsdo So I might have had my first b/p session…. Don’t really know how to feel right now… But, I will say my stomach is less stressed…? I washed off and brushed the hell out of my teeth too… I feel dirty but better, I don’t know… Confusing. 5 4 #ick,#ana,#mia,#ed,#binge,#stop,#confused,#bingeeatingdisorder,#bping,#ednos,#bp,#bed,#binger,#bingeeating,#weird, Websta

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