Dear weather: I am done with snow for a few days. I still have a foot I’m dealing with, and you want to pile on more? No thank you. Sincerely, I Miss Summer PS – I see your demonic little flakes whirling down out the window…stop it.

@quaintrelleone Dear weather: I am done with snow for a few days. I still have a foot I’m dealing with, and you want to pile on more? No thank you. Sincerely, I Miss Summer PS – I see your demonic little flakes whirling down out the window…stop it. 5 1 #ick,#colorado,#snow,#denver,#nomoresnow,#radar,#goaway,#weather,#summerwhereareyou,#overit,#snowflakes, Websta

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I may look gross now but i just killed my workout and lets be honest, its worth it to look gross right now if im gunna look great later. Takes time to see results and the fact that I know my results will start showing soon keeps me motivated to work harder . #WorkHardPlayHard #WorkHard #HardWork #Healthspo #Curvespo #fitspo #Fitness #fit #HealthyLife #HealthMotivation #HealthyLiving #WeightLossMotivation #WeightLoss #Gross #Sweaty #Sweat #ick #WorkOut #WorkingOut

@curvy_fit_andhealthy I may look gross now but i just killed my workout and lets be honest, its worth it to look gross right now if im gunna look great later. Takes time to see results and the fact that I know my results will start showing soon keeps me motivated to work harder . 1 […]

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#washed up #offering. I guess. No idea what’s in there. I think it’s better that way. #mystery #parts #ick #beach #beachcombers #beachcombing #jar #itsnotjam #innards? #whoknows #cultural #afrocaribbean #religiousoffering #deathbeach #thestuffifind

@anisedog1 #washed up. I guess. No idea what’s in there. I think it’s better that way.? 5 1 #whoknows,#ick,#beachcombers,#deathbeach,#innards,#jar,#cultural,#itsnotjam,#beachcombing,#mystery,#offering,#thestuffifind,#washed,#parts,#afrocaribbean,#beach,#religiousoffering, Websta

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I don’t think I’m a fan of this stuff. I picked up this flavor and the strawberry cheesecake and I loved the idea of it but to me it just seems so overly fake flavored and sweetened. It’s *okay* I’m obviously not going to waste it but definitely not picking it up on purpose again lol. I loved the idea of a greek whip hopefully chobani or someone else can try it with better results

@npfantasia I don’t think I’m a fan of this stuff. I picked up this flavor and the strawberry cheesecake and I loved the idea of it but to me it just seems so overly fake flavored and sweetened. It’s *okay* I’m obviously not going to waste it but definitely not picking it up on purpose […]

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Why. Why do restaurants allow this to happen? Dust bunnies clinging for dear life until they just can’t anymore and commit suicide into your drink or food. Vacuums have been invented. These restaurants could try using them at least once a year. Ick. (this is more common than you’d think.)

@steinwaldwolf Why. Why do restaurants allow this to happen? Dust bunnies clinging for dear life until they just can’t anymore and commit suicide into your drink or food. Vacuums have been invented. These restaurants could try using them at least once a year. Ick. (this is more common than you’d think.) 1 1 #ick,#dustbunnies,#vacuum,#dust,#why,#restaurants, Websta

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