Story of my life how can it be that the last like 3 ppl I tried to like romantically turns out all are fucking around with the SAME THOT who lives like down the street from me like whyyy ??!! Can I not find one guy who hasn’t fucked this Lynsey hoe yet !?!!!? Like seriously holla if so .. Like ffs when you try hard that’s when you fuckin die hard thick turns 2 ick once they turn 40 or gave kids just saying okay vent over thank you (: #lol #meme #true #i #try #too #hard #for #assholes #don’t #be #naiive #thick #turns #to #ick #after #u #have #kids #bitch

@hayleycountry Story of my life how can it be that the last like 3 ppl I tried to like romantically turns out all are fucking around with the SAME THOT who lives like down the street from me like whyyy ??!! Can I not find one guy who hasn’t fucked this Lynsey hoe yet !?!!!? […]

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