Goldfish community! I need your help! Is this #ick?? It developed overnight after I did a water change. My water parameters are fine. Should I use tetra lifeguard? I used it before on my bettas and it worked. Let me know please. #goldfish #goldfishunion #fishhobbyist #aquarium #fish #goldfishcommunity #fishtankstand #fishtank #oranda #blackmoor #calico #ryukin #fancygoldfish @aliciasgoldfish

@girl128 Goldfish community! I need your help! Is this?? It developed overnight after I did a water change. My water parameters are fine. Should I use tetra lifeguard? I used it before on my bettas and it worked. Let me know please. 1 5 #ick,#fishhobbyist,#goldfishcommunity,#ryukin,#fish,#blackmoor,#goldfishunion,#aquarium,#goldfish,#oranda,#fancygoldfish,#calico,#fishtank,#fishtankstand, Websta

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