I’ve been tagged by @kalekweenfitness to share #widn (don’t worry I had to think about it while typing it, "what I’m doing now" ) – at the moment I’m consuming a combo of #emergenc and #orangejuice because I feel a cold coming on…. #ick

@jesi_lou I’ve been tagged by to share (don’t worry I had to think about it while typing it, “what I’m doing now” ) – at the moment I’m consuming a combo of and because I feel a cold coming on….

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Chapo’s Mr Tuko is filling out nicely, no supplements here just good genes. Getting him ready for the United We Stack show this 17th in my hometown of Visalia. #muglestons #muglestonspitbullfarm #bluebanshee #chaposimperialpitbulls #irongiantdisciple #predominant #giantqball #butthead #ironcross #ick #gettingripped #allnatural #goodgenes

@chapos_imperial_pitbulls Chapo’s Mr Tuko is filling out nicely, no supplements here just good genes. Getting him ready for the United We Stack show this 17th in my hometown of Visalia. 10 1 #ick,#giantqball,#butthead,#muglestonspitbullfarm,#gettingripped,#irongiantdisciple,#muglestons,#bluebanshee,#allnatural,#ironcross,#predominant,#goodgenes,#chaposimperialpitbulls, Websta

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