"Oh, hey Cecil. I’m just doing science. What’s up?" . So I did a closet cosplay of Carlos from Welcome to Nightvale to match @waffleface9000’s Cecil… This is pretty bad in my opinion, but whatevs… . {#WelcomeToNightVale #WTNV #Carlos #PerfectBeautifulCarlos #closetcosplay #ick}

@_angel_gamer_ “Oh, hey Cecil. I’m just doing science. What’s up?” . So I did a closet cosplay of Carlos from Welcome to Nightvale to match’s Cecil… This is pretty bad in my opinion, but whatevs… . {#WelcomeToNightVale} 7 0 #ick,#perfectbeautifulcarlos,#wtnv,#carlos,#closetcosplay,#welcometonightvale, Websta

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