#terimakasih #ilovemycustomers #beauteetipsfeedback #beauteetipscustomer #contactlens #contactlensmurah #contactlenskorea #contactlens #contactlensmalaysia #bazaarpaknil #sayajual #sayajualmurah #onlineshopmalaysia #beauteetipscontactlens #ifairy #candylicious #kimchi #eos #ick #beluxurybabe #winterbarbie #thedisneylens #lensmurah #lensmalaysia #kl #selangor #uitm #rbnov #btdbrm25 #btbambi3toneslens

@beauteetips #terimakasih 3 1 #lensmalaysia,#contactlens,#candylicious,#ifairy,#beauteetipscustomer,#sayajualmurah,#beauteetipsfeedback,#selangor,#bazaarpaknil,#terimakasih,#lensmurah,#rbnov,#ilovemycustomers,#kimchi,#ick,#sayajual,#btbambi3toneslens,#beluxurybabe,#contactlensmalaysia,#uitm,#kl,#eos,#btdbrm25,#onlineshopmalaysia,#contactlenskorea,#beauteetipscontactlens,#thedisneylens,#winterbarbie,#contactlensmurah, Websta

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I know this is a gross image on what (for many) is a glorious national holiday. but I have three things to (publicly?) say: (1) I’m thankful to be surrounded by such amazing people…so to my doctors, coworkers, friends & family, etc. – sorry I was such a jerk yesterday…my coping skills are pretty subpar right now. (2) I’m thankful that although I have the joints of a 60-yr old, I should get another 20 years of mobility on my slowly healing feet 2.0…so here’s to more adventures in the near future. (3) I’m thankful that I’ve really got this invalid thing down and I have nothing but hanging out in bed while watching old seasons of buffy ahead of me today…followed by a supper of popcorn. #ick #winning #notreally #buttrying #throwbacktomybandagechangeyesterday #frankenfeet #gladitsnotsandalseason #shufflewalk #mydoctorautographedmyfeet #sorryagainforthisimage #isentthispixtomymomandshesaidmytoeswerecute #moms

@s_kube I know this is a gross image on what (for many) is a glorious national holiday. but I have three things to (publicly?) say: (1) I’m thankful to be surrounded by such amazing people…so to my doctors, coworkers, friends & family, etc. – sorry I was such a jerk yesterday…my coping skills are pretty […]

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#icky #ickyone #puppetmastericky #puppetmaster #elc #evilletterscrew #el #elk #monster #evilletters #elcrew #ick #realicky #therealicky #blackbookgraffiti #drawing #blackbook #ickygraffiti #ickytoys #ickysworld #markers #cartoons #90s #wizard #worldoficky #blackbooks #art #art4sale #artforsale

@puppetmastericky #icky 42 3 #el,#therealicky,#art,#monster,#elk,#ickytoys,#ickysworld,#artforsale,#icky,#ickygraffiti,#realicky,#ick,#evilletterscrew,#90s,#puppetmastericky,#puppetmaster,#elc,#evilletters,#wizard,#markers,#art4sale,#worldoficky,#elcrew,#blackbook,#cartoons,#blackbooks,#ickyone,#drawing,#blackbookgraffiti, Websta

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#icky #ickyone #puppetmastericky #puppetmaster #elc #evilletterscrew #el #elk #monster #evilletters #elcrew #ick #realicky #therealicky #blackbookgraffiti #drawing #blackbook #ickygraffiti #ickytoys #ickysworld #markers #cartoons #90s #wizard #worldoficky #blackbooks #art #art4sale #artforsale

@puppetmastericky #icky 31 1 #el,#therealicky,#art,#monster,#elk,#ickytoys,#ickysworld,#artforsale,#icky,#ickygraffiti,#realicky,#ick,#evilletterscrew,#90s,#puppetmastericky,#puppetmaster,#elc,#evilletters,#wizard,#markers,#art4sale,#worldoficky,#elcrew,#blackbook,#cartoons,#blackbooks,#ickyone,#drawing,#blackbookgraffiti, Websta

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