[Sickie selfie! Slept for about 12 hours. Been eating oatmeal.. And drinking a variety of hot teas. My throat hurts like no other and my ears feel like there is a sharp pencil stabbing into both of them. Going to go get some hydrogen peroxide to pour in my ears and maybe gargle.. However I’m thinking I’d rather gargle with salt water. I despise salt water and hydrogen peroxide flavor.. Don’t want to do either but I’m already sooo over being sick. My Batman mug is my sign of strength. Can’t wait for the lovely to be home. I really just want a hug and to go out somewhere. You’d think being sick I’d want to stay home but I’ve been inside for at least 36 hours and that’s too long for me!! I gotta get out. Well, after I finish this mug of tea it’s shower time for me! Hoping it’ll help some.

@e_lex_us Sickie selfie! Slept for about 12 hours. Been eating oatmeal.. And drinking a variety of hot teas. My throat hurts like no other and my ears feel like there is a sharp pencil stabbing into both of them. Going to go get some hydrogen peroxide to pour in my ears and maybe gargle.. However […]

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@bitbybid Mak aii, lawa gila kan lens ni? Korang boleh follow utk beli cosmetic contact lens yg lawa2x ni dkt sana ya—>Owner: 14 0 #lensmalaysia,#candylicious,#ifairy,#sayajualmurah,#lensmurah,#swapreviewfree,#bazaarpaknil,#kimchi,#ick,#sayajual,#beluxurybabe,#contactlensmalaysia,#contactlens,#reviewbybitbybid,#beauteetipscontactlens,#eos,#onlineshopmalaysia,#contactlenskorea,#contactlensmurah, Websta

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