[#Mommy isn’t feeling that great, so #babygirl is snuggling. #loveher #mommydaughtertime #mommysbaby #daughter #shesthebest #instalove #ick #toddler #igmommy #myworld #invisibleillness #ulcerativecolitis #hypothyroidism #autoimmune #autoimmunedisease #ibd #exhausted #snuggletime #snuggles #mytoddlerrocks #Sundaylove #mybodyhatesme #mybaby #mywholeheart #family

@misstoxiclocket #Mommy isn’t feeling that great, so is snuggling. 2 0 #mywholeheart,#babygirl,#autoimmune,#family,#exhausted,#snuggles,#instalove,#mybodyhatesme,#mytoddlerrocks,#hypothyroidism,#myworld,#sundaylove,#shesthebest,#mommysbaby,#ick,#loveher,#daughter,#ulcerativecolitis,#invisibleillness,#ibd,#autoimmunedisease,#mommydaughtertime,#snuggletime,#mybaby,#igmommy,#toddler,#mommy, Websta

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[I call this one, "No." Nicknamed "the tank is in good shape" some #protip for working on your own bike..ready? 1. When taking something apart for the first time, take the time to lay stuff out in the order it came off, or even take a picture. 2. Install the screen on the petcock if you can’t be bothered to clean the tank out. #vintage #motorcycle #paintchips #clogged #ick #problemsonproblems #helping

@elsablackheart I call this one, “No.” Nicknamed “the tank is in good shape” some for working on your own bike..ready? 1. When taking something apart for the first time, take the time to lay stuff out in the order it came off, or even take a picture. 2. Install the screen on the petcock if […]

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