[Swan. Swan. Swany swan swan. Swanswanswanswan. Swamy swan swan swan. Swan. It’s a swan. The only kind of bird I like. As long as he/she doesn’t come close to me. Birds and butternotflies are stupid. There, I said it. #birds #butterflies #ick!!!!

@mazlik Swan. Swan. Swany swan swan. Swanswanswanswan. Swamy swan swan swan. Swan. It’s a swan. The only kind of bird I like. As long as he/she doesn’t come close to me. Birds and butternotflies are stupid. There, I said it.!!!! 0 0 #ick,#butterflies,#birds, Websta

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[If anyone knows anything about me, I hate mushy gushy crap. But I don’t give this guy enough public credit. I never knew I could be treated like a princess and still have my independence with it too. It seems to always be taken lightly when I say I am quite the lucky person. I always smile and laugh with him around. A day should never go without laughing!! #laughoften #muah #boyfriend #mush #ick #gross

@gorty09 If anyone knows anything about me, I hate mushy gushy crap. But I don’t give this guy enough public credit. I never knew I could be treated like a princess and still have my independence with it too. It seems to always be taken lightly when I say I am quite the lucky person. […]

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