[Um yeah…so spiders freak me out so bad, but I couldn’t help but be in awe of how this one made it’s web. #fascinating #fascinated #spider #spiders #insects #8legs #arachnoid #arachnophobia #lifespared #fornow #nature #cool #summernights #outside #creatures #ick #notafan #onmyporch #porch #porchlife

@sophieannwalker Um yeah…so spiders freak me out so bad, but I couldn’t help but be in awe of how this one made it’s web. 1 0 #notafan,#arachnoid,#porchlife,#fascinating,#nature,#insects,#spider,#lifespared,#spiders,#summernights,#cool,#ick,#8legs,#fascinated,#porch,#arachnophobia,#outside,#fornow,#creatures,#onmyporch, Websta

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