[Please Help! What is the white thing on Ravenclaws lower left fin? He’s happy & healthy with a great appetite. There’s just the one and he’s always had it in the same place (2-3 months) but it seems more noticeable. Is it a parasite or just part if his fin? My eyes can’t make it out. He doesn’t seem to rub himself or look bothered. What should I do? Reluctant to medicate as a precaution as 3 baby mini shrimp share his tank. #Betta #Fish #Bettafish #siamesefightingfish #aquarium #fishcare #Bettadisease #parasite #ick #hookworm

@mrsretromama Please Help! What is the white thing on Ravenclaws lower left fin? He’s happy & healthy with a great appetite. There’s just the one and he’s always had it in the same place (2-3 months) but it seems more noticeable. Is it a parasite or just part if his fin? My eyes can’t make […]

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