[I wish these kids would stop coughing all over everything. You know damn well the parents aren’t going to give two shits if I got sick in the process. They’d leave me to babysit anyway. #ugh #whenisitgoingtostopraining? #iwannaleave #toomanygermies #ick #coughcoughhereandacoughcoughthere #idontwannagetsick #nobodytotakecareofme #theywontleavemealone #ineedanap #canihideouthereforever? #willyoustilllovemewhenicannolongerbreathethroughmynose? #rainydayhumor #sometimesimfunny #lol

@sweet_candied_kisses I wish these kids would stop coughing all over everything. You know damn well the parents aren’t going to give two shits if I got sick in the process. They’d leave me to babysit anyway.??? 0 2 #whenisitgoingtostopraining,#ick,#ugh,#coughcoughhereandacoughcoughthere,#canihideouthereforever,#iwannaleave,#theywontleavemealone,#rainydayhumor,#lol,#sometimesimfunny,#idontwannagetsick,#toomanygermies,#willyoustilllovemewhenicannolongerbreathethroughmynose,#nobodytotakecareofme,#ineedanap, Websta

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[Waiting for Tanked with my naso! He had some ick so im treating him in the qt. Hope the tang police doesn’t come because hes in a 10 gal right now. But dont worry he will be going to my 120 gal display tank . nasotang #qt #quarantine #quarantinetank #aquarium #fishtank #tang #tangpolice #ick #tanked

@aquariumaster Waiting for Tanked with my naso! He had some ick so im treating him in the qt. Hope the tang police doesn’t come because hes in a 10 gal right now. But dont worry he will be going to my 120 gal display tank . nasotang 0 0 #ick,#qt,#tang,#quarantine,#tangpolice,#tanked,#quarantinetank,#aquarium,#fishtank, Websta

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