"@/STU_SEOP: ■ユᄡ↓ラᄚ↓ヨᄌ→ヒᅠ ̄ナヒ ̄ナヒ ̄ナヒ ̄ナヒ ̄ナヒ ̄ナヒ ̄ナヒ ̄ナヒ ̄ナヒ ̄ナヒ ̄ナヒ ̄ナヒ ̄ナヒ ̄ナヒ ̄ナヒ ̄ナヌ http://t.co/1MNliHxQ3V" Yoseob’s noona commented on his IG post "disgusting" lmao Yang siblings XD ¬ルᄀ¬ルᄀ¬ルᄀ

“@/STU_SEOP: ■ユᄡ↓ラᄚ↓ヨᄌ→ヒᅠ ̄ナヒ ̄ナヒ ̄ナヒ ̄ナヒ ̄ナヒ ̄ナヒ ̄ナヒ ̄ナヒ ̄ナヒ ̄ナヒ ̄ナヒ ̄ナヒ ̄ナヒ ̄ナヒ ̄ナヒ ̄ナヌ http://t.co/1MNliHxQ3V” Yoseob’s noona commented on his IG post “disgusting” lmao Yang siblings XD ¬ルᄀ¬ルᄀ¬ルᄀ

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[So having problems with my script(s), gonna go in tomorrow as a walk-in and see le’ doctor… Until then, I have these Diclofenac rolls my mom has a script for she gave me. Never taken em’, so here goes nothing! A "here try this, it’ll make you feel better" move. Hahaha #Pillz #Chemicalsss #ScriptsFerDayz #Health #Gastroparesis #SickAF #Ick

@sincalchewy So having problems with my script(s), gonna go in tomorrow as a walk-in and see le’ doctor… Until then, I have these Diclofenac rolls my mom has a script for she gave me. Never taken em’, so here goes nothing! A “here try this, it’ll make you feel better” move. Hahaha 1 0 #ick,#health,#pillz,#sickaf,#scriptsferdayz,#gastroparesis,#chemicalsss, […]

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